sylo: Sylo function#

Sylo (“symmetric low-rank”) kernel operator.

This operation is a BrainNetCNN-like function equipped with an inductive bias that should be favourable for learning on a set of unordered dense matrices, and designed with analogy to convolutional layers. There are still a lot of quirks to work out before it’s usable.

hypercoil.functional.sylo.sylo(X: Tensor, L: Tensor, R: Tensor | None = None, C: Tensor | None = None, bias: Tensor | None = None, symmetry: ~typing.Literal['cross', 'skew'] | None = None, similarity: ~typing.Callable = <function crosshair_similarity>, remove_diagonal: bool = False) Tensor[source]#

Sylo transformation of a tensor block.

Compute a local measure of graph or matrix similarity between an input and a bank of potentially symmetric, low-rank templates. In summary, the steps are:

  1. Outer product expansion of the left and right weight vectors into a bank of templates.

  2. Low-rank mapping of local similarities between the input and each of the templates.

  3. Biasing each filtered map.


The forward operation of the sylo module does not preserve positive semidefiniteness, but it can be enforced by passing symmetric output through a transformation like the matrix exponential.

Input : \((N, *, C_{in}, H, W)\)

N denotes batch size, * denotes any number of intervening dimensions, \(C_{in}\) denotes number of input data channels, H and W denote height and width of each input matrix.

L : \((*, C_{out}, C_{in}, H, rank)\)

\(C_{out}\) denotes number of output data channels, and rank denotes the maximum rank of each template in the reference bank.

R : \((*, C_{out}, C_{in}, W, rank)\)

As above.

C : \((*, C_{out}, C_{in}, rank, rank)\)

As above.

bias : \(C_{out}\)

As above.

Output : \((N, *, C_{out}, H, W)\)

As above.


Input tensor of shape \(N \times C_{in} \times H \times W\).

L, RTensors

Left and right precursors of a low-rank basis that transforms the input via a local similarity measure. The template basis itself is created as the outer product between the left (column) and right (row) weight vectors. One way to enforce symmetry and positive semidefiniteness of learned templates is by passing the same tensor as L and R; this is the default behaviour.

CTensor or None (default None)

Coupling term. If this is specified, each template in the basis is modulated according to the coefficients in the coupling matrix. Providing a vector is equivalent to providing a diagonal coupling matrix. This term can, for instance, be used to toggle between positive and negative semidefinite templates.

bias: Tensor

Bias term to be added to the output.

symmetry'cross', 'skew', or other (default None)

Symmetry constraint imposed on the generated low-rank template matrix.

  • cross enforces symmetry by replacing the initial expansion with the average of the initial expansion and its transpose, \(\frac{1}{2} \left( L R^\intercal + R L^\intercal \right)\)

  • skew enforces skew-symmetry by subtracting from the initial expansion its transpose, \(\frac{1}{2} \left( L R^\intercal - R L^\intercal \right)\)

  • Otherwise, no explicit symmetry constraint is imposed. Symmetry can also be enforced by passing None for R or by passing the same input for R and L. (This approach also guarantees that the output is positive semidefinite.)

This option will result in an error for nonsquare matrices or bipartite graphs. Note that the parameter count doubles if this is False.

similarityfunction (default crosshair_similarity)

Definition of the similarity metric. This must be a function that takes as its first input the input tensor \(X\) and as its second input the expanded (and potentially symmetrised) weight tensor. Similarity is computed between each of the N matrices in the first input stack and the weight. Uses the crosshair_similarity() measure by default.

remove_diagonalbool (default False)

If True, the diagonal of the input matrix is removed before computing the similarity measure. This is useful for graphs, where the diagonal is often used to encode node attributes, or might be 1 for all nodes.


Input subject to a sylo transformation, as parametrised by the weights.