
hypercoil.functional.sylo.vertical_compression(input: Tensor, row_compressor: Tensor, col_compressor: Tensor | None = None, renormalise: bool = True, remove_diagonal: bool = False, fold_channels: bool = False, sign: int | None = None) Tensor[source]#

Vertically compress a matrix or matrix stack of dimensions \(H_{in} \times W_{in} \rightarrow H_{out} \times W_{out}\).

input: Tensor

Tensor to be compressed. This can be either a matrix of dimension \(H_{in} \times W_{in}\) or a stack of such matrices, for instance of dimension \(N \times C \times H_{in} \times W_{in}\).

row_compressor: Tensor

Compressor for the rows of the input tensor. This should be a matrix of dimension \(H_{out} \times H_{in}\).

col_compressor: Tensor or None

Compressor for the columns of the input tensor. This should be a matrix of dimension \(W_{out} \times W_{in}\). If this is None, then symmetry is assumed: the column compressor and row compressor are the same.

renormalise: bool

If True, the output is renormalised to have standard deviation equal to that of the input. When remove_diagonal=True, the standard deviation also ignores the diagonal elements.

remove_diagonal: bool

If True, the diagonal elements of the input are removed before and after compression.

sign: int or None

If not None, this should be either 1 or -1. If -1, the output is multiplied by -1.

output: Tensor

Compressed tensor.